1: Let there be a formal practice. Talk time of day that your meditation practice time.
2: Just meditate as much as you enjoy. This is especially important in the beginning that meditation is not a job.
3: Do yoga or stretching first. First, physical activity should have their own consciousness in the body and away from the mind. He also practices like yoga relaxes muscles and tendons can be more comfortable to sit. Moreover, yoga opens the body not only on the physical level, but also the subtle level, the movement of energy in the body promotes.
4: Choose a specific location in your home to meditate. An ideal place where you will be somewhere that there was little activity at other times. Two reasons for this, the subconscious is affected by repetition, by going to the same place at the same time each day to meditate, you are expected to meditate while you're there. Another reason is that when you begin to meditate, to create vibrations in this place. With time and meditation, the place has become more aligned with the power of meditation, making it easier again for you to meditate while you're there
5: Ensure that your meditation is respected. If you live with others, to ensure that they understand that you are not disturbed while meditating. For myself making the same obligations, such as the phone rings, be aware of this and continue his meditation.
6: Make an image of the sacred space in your place of meditation. It should be clear what makes sense for you, perhaps the real altar with pictures and objects, or maybe just a special mat and your meditation cushion.
7: Use a ritual if it helps. It does not need to be developed that can be as simple as candles, incense or lighting. Repeating rituals before you meditate, the system for preparing for your body and mind.
8: Place for the long haul. When you start with a clear idea in your mind that the biggest benefits of meditation Will accumulate over time and as a continuous process can see, you have less chance in frustration.
9: Behold understanding. Get clear in your mind what you think meditation is and what it will be like before you start. Everyone always has their own ideas and expectations like this, it is very useful to be aware of before you start. So write them down and see exactly what they are.
10: clearly your motivation for starting meditation. If you have your reasons and goals at the beginning of meditation are likely to understand a practice or a technique that will work for you at this time to find.
11: Start with a particular practice to actively choose and commit to it for a certain period. Many beginners are constantly jumping from one man or meditation technique to another. Your relationship to meditation itself, will be deepened if it consists of one night stands. This does not mean that the practice or technique is to start with one you stay for the rest of his life, but the relationship is better left when you know exactly why it is that you are leaving, and it's not just about trade.
12: Educate yourself. Confusion and misunderstanding is mainly caused by ignorance. Find a good teacher, or an online community where you can get answers. Read some books on meditation and spiritual practices, and, of course, come back on a regular basis, or better yet subscribe to our RSS feed.
13: notification when the frustration starts to creep into your training. If you will take some time to examine what happens to you, what the expectations are not met. Then analyzes the expectation itself, which is based on.
14: Be honest with yourself. As I said, meditation is a relationship with yourself, you are the most important person you need easily, and meditation is the key to this practice.
15: Be prepared for some discomfort. This is normal in the beginning to experience some physical discomfort in sitting meditation. Most people are not accustomed to sit, except perhaps hanging on the couch. Your body needs time for strength and openness in the right places to develop, so you can sit comfortably and alert. Sooner or later it will also be experienced discomfort in the emotional and mental levels. If you are not prepared for it knowing it is likely that distract you from continuing.
16: If you are very skilled in their meditation practice can be very helpful to use pictures to guide you. This helps your mind to worry about what you do go, and registration may serve as a guide until you no longer need. Even better would Liberation Living Home Study Course and start with a proven meditation classes.
17: look for moments of consciousness during the day. Finding space for awareness to be present during everyday activities is a great way to develop your meditation practice. Take the time spent waiting in traffic, waiting in line for nothing, to introduce themselves and what is experienced in it. Look for these features in its day, however brief, simple as they can radically change the experience of life.
18: Do it together. Meditation with a partner or a group can have many wonderful benefits and can improve your practices. While you meditate with others, many people say it improves the quality of their meditation. However, it is necessary to ensure the agreed ground rules before you start.
19: do not worry about it. This may be the most important tip for beginners and the most difficult to implement. Many people in the beginning of meditation are worried about whether they are right or not, or that something needs to experience or not. "Meditation is the practice" goes into more detail about this.
20: investing in a good, comfortable meditation cushion. If you have other things to your body to sit comfortably, without stress, get them. If you yourself and what you need, when you remove future potential pitfalls in its practice.