Nearly every city in the world has some form of public transportation, be it the subway, bus or train. You've probably also seen a few great looking girls, but didn't know how to approach them. The next time you see a great looking girl, you'll actually be able to pick her up.
Step 1
Make sure she's on her own and not with a group of friends or worse, a burly boyfriend. Just because she's sitting by herself, doesn't mean her friends aren't a few seats away.
2.Step 2
Stand up and offer her a seat if the bus is crowded or let her know there's an empty seat near you. This gives you the chance to talk to her right away.
3.Step 3
Be fast and don't stop to think too much. You never know when the girl of your dreams might be taking a short ride one block over. She might be gone before you even have time to act.
4.Step 4
Start talking about someone on the bus, something you read in the paper or even one of those signs hanging above your head. If you can make it into a joke, you'll make her laugh and get her attention.
5.Step 5
Act approachable! Smiling and maintaining eye contact let her know that she has nothing to be scared of and shows her that you noticed her.
6.Step 6
Ask about her plans, why she takes the bus or where she's going. This gives you a good opening and she'll want to know more about you.
7.Step 7
Give her your number no matter who gets off first. If you played your cards right, she'll want to know more about you and give you a call.